Uzbekistan Economic Forum II

Raising the profile of Uzbekistan’s major economic conference for domestic and international audiences

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    Uzbekistan Economic Forum II
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Over 1,500 representatives from international financial institutions, foreign central banks, major investment banks, and consulting firms, as well as representatives from legal companies and research institutes, convened in the historic city of Samarkand for the Second Uzbekistan Economic Forum. The event brought together around 900 delegates from various countries and approximately 600 local participants. The forum fostered discussions on a wide range of topics including maintaining macroeconomic stability, achieving sustainable growth, promoting the development of the private sector, advancing gender equality, supporting youth initiatives, addressing climate change, and transitioning to a more environmentally friendly economy.


Montfort leveraged its network of networks across Eurasian and international media and its understanding of the media landscape to develop a media relations strategy designed to enhance the profile of the Forum and communicate its significance for the region.


Montfort’s media engagement programme helped generate a total of 112 pieces of international media coverage during and after the Uzbekistan Economic Forum. Coverage was achieved in leading English language media outlets including BBC News, Bloomberg, Reuters and Debtwire alongside many more.

Tier 1

• In person interviews with BBC News, Reuters and Debtwire.

• Interview with Global Capital organised but not undertaken.

Tier 2

• Widespread coverage in international media including:

➢ BNE Intellinews

➢ Foreign Affairs

➢ EU Reporter

➢ International Policy Digest

➢ Modern Diplomacy

➢ Trend News Agency

➢ Azer News

Reputation management.
Global expertise.